Ryan & Jordan

with Pioneer Bible Translators

Tag: Washington

The Long Hiatus

by ryan

OK, so we haven’t blogged in a long time. The good news is most of you keep up with us in other ways too, so the silence didn’t worry anyone . . . right?

Something has happened since June! Well, OK, lots happened. We’ll recap the last half of 2014 and the beginning of this year.

We’ve been studying, speaking, meeting, and traveling quite a bit. God has been prompting people to partner with us  in prayer and finances, and we have made lots of progress toward having enough monthly partnerships to move.  However, we still need monthly partners so it’s not too late to partner with us!

In other news, we’ve finished two courses and are working on finishing two more. Another big accomplishment was mailing in a very thick stack of immigration paper work. We are getting closer!

Where have we been? We’ve been based out of Oklahoma City, but we have traveled to North Carolina, Southern California, Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Idaho and Jamaica (family vacation–thanks Mom and Dad!).

We have enjoyed quite a bit of time with my side of the family and have had the privilege of being with Jordan’s side of the family too. It was great having her parents and sister visit us. Other highlights were Jordan’s grandpa’s 90th birthday, spending Christmas with my side of the family, and being with our new niece (picture) and her parents.


What are we doing now?
Getting ready for a trip to Washington and British Columbia, and a move to Dallas in February (among lots of other things). And yes, stay tuned, because we are drafting several more blog posts.

We are so thankful for all you who pray for us on a regular basis.  We pray for you too, so keep us posted!

the pilgrims went to the east coast

by ryan

A long time ago in a galaxy–this galaxy–pilgrims traveled across the Big Pond to the East Coast.  They had hard times.  And so have we, even if they are smaller.


But we all have reasons to be thankful too.  Yesterday we missed being with most of our family.  We missed our parents, our brothers & sisters and their families, our grandparents, our aunts and uncles, and our cousins and their families.  But we had each other and friends–who are family in a way.  And we’re thankful for that.

And we’re thankful for the prospect of being home for Christmas.  If we were trees, family would be our roots and maybe our sun and rain too.  And so thinking about seeing them makes everything brighter.

East Baker Lake June 2013 044

However, before it gets too sunny I need to tell you about the Big L we have to do.  I know what you’re thinking: “Oh no!  The Big L . . .” No, you are probably thinking about losing or leagues, or maybe you are confused so you’re skipping down below to figure out just what the Big L is all about.  Sorry to disappoint you, but it is not a dance.  The Big L is Down & Right, or if you prefer, South & East.


December 13 we head Down to Southern California from Up Here in the Great White North.   Then we take a Left and go Right–I’ve heard it both ways–and go East toward Western Europe.  Directions can be hard sometimes.  Being thankful can be easy sometimes.

There & Back Again: Day One

by Jordee


For any who may have noticed the recent lack of posts, we will now explain.

Ryan and I have been on the road, a trip we decided to take just before it began on Saturday, August 10th. Because it has been so eventful and because we have soaked in a lot of life and adventure and conversation and people, we’d like to take you through the trip (mostly) day by day.

As with all my prior experience with road trips, the morning of Day One went as we might’ve expected: waking up early, packing, making checklists, packing, coffee, packing, loading up the car, driving out of the neighborhood excitedly, remembering what we forgot, turning around at the stoplight, a joke about “if we ever leave,” and finally heading south toward the United States of America.

The border wait was the longest we’ve experienced and the traffic was a bit unexpectedly heavy, but we made it to our first stop in Yakima, Washington. There we enjoyed dinner with Ryan’s old friends and my new friends. We got back on the road and continued east toward Pasco, our final destination for the day. We arrived and enjoyed time with family whom I met for the first time, explaining we didn’t have much of a plan for the following two weeks.

Day One: taking things as they come and the sweet times with friends and family foreshadowed the rest of this trip as we would find out soon enough.

Stay tuned for Day Two and beyond.