the last three months

by Jordee

Since our last post, a lot has happened. The more we have going on to write about, the less time there is to write. But here’s to catching up.

Since April, we have said very bittersweet goodbyes to North Carolina–family, friends, our borrowed little house, Cheerwine. We have celebrated our first anniversary! We have hit the road a few times: once up to Ontario to see a couple dear friends be married, once heading west to stay with our Oklahoma City family for a couple days, and once heading south to be with our Pioneer Bible Translators family for a month.

Our month in Dallas was full in a couple different senses. Our schedule was full with varying long hours 6 days a week. But it was full in the heart sense too. Our hearts filled up the first week reconnecting with dear people we hadn’t seen in a very long while at the place where we met three years ago. We were blessed by learning about how God is blessing the nations, and we were filled up with what we learned from fellow missionaries who have gone and come back. Week two and three, we were saturated with training: 3 days of training how to build a team of partners who will work alongside us through praying and giving, followed by 9 days of training how to take physical care of our families and the people we serve. These days included giving each other injections, learning how to diagnose and treat diseases, learning how to insert catheters and to suture, how to take care of wounds and burns, how to set and splint broken bones, and many more incredibly useful topics that make me (Jordan) a bit dizzy.

To cap off our time in Dallas, we encountered two copperhead snakes within a few minutes of each other during our last night. For any readers who live in the Dallas area, you’re welcome for responsibly having them both killed.

Hopefully you feel caught up, though I do apologize for how the busyness of this post reflects the busyness of these couple months. Later posts will likely be a bit less scattered, perhaps including an introductory post about the country we’ll be living in next year. Here’s a preview: