Ryan & Jordan

with Pioneer Bible Translators

Tag: immigration

The Edge

by ryan

Inching toward the edge of the high dive, there was always an increasing sensation of something like an anxious weightlessness. You know, when it feels like your stomach is falling into the water but you’re just kind of hovering there, starting to shake with the board?

Well, that’s where we are right now. We’ve been climbing the steps a long time; we’re ready for this. But we can’t really see the water below. We just hear: “Go ahead.”

So we’re going to jump. I’m sure we’ll feel a rush as the air whisks by, as we fall.


credit: airvanuatu.com

And as our plane lands in Vanuatu, we’ll have no idea what lies ahead. I guess that’s how the future is for all of us: always unfolding, always different, always unseen.

So we endeavor to make the most of the present, together on the high dive.

The Long Hiatus

by ryan

OK, so we haven’t blogged in a long time. The good news is most of you keep up with us in other ways too, so the silence didn’t worry anyone . . . right?

Something has happened since June! Well, OK, lots happened. We’ll recap the last half of 2014 and the beginning of this year.

We’ve been studying, speaking, meeting, and traveling quite a bit. God has been prompting people to partner with us  in prayer and finances, and we have made lots of progress toward having enough monthly partnerships to move.  However, we still need monthly partners so it’s not too late to partner with us!

In other news, we’ve finished two courses and are working on finishing two more. Another big accomplishment was mailing in a very thick stack of immigration paper work. We are getting closer!

Where have we been? We’ve been based out of Oklahoma City, but we have traveled to North Carolina, Southern California, Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Idaho and Jamaica (family vacation–thanks Mom and Dad!).

We have enjoyed quite a bit of time with my side of the family and have had the privilege of being with Jordan’s side of the family too. It was great having her parents and sister visit us. Other highlights were Jordan’s grandpa’s 90th birthday, spending Christmas with my side of the family, and being with our new niece (picture) and her parents.


What are we doing now?
Getting ready for a trip to Washington and British Columbia, and a move to Dallas in February (among lots of other things). And yes, stay tuned, because we are drafting several more blog posts.

We are so thankful for all you who pray for us on a regular basis.  We pray for you too, so keep us posted!